Thursday, August 4, 2011

Paradise Lost

I recently discovered the musical group Storyhill; I was listening to Prairie Home Companion the other day and they tacked on the song Paradise Lost. I went home and tried to find the song, even called KUAC, Laurie called me back and then I found it online finally mid-week. Now that I know what song it is I have played it one billion times. I am not normally into country music but I would say this falls vaguely under the folk category. Two male voices harmonizing with acoustic guitars stood out as a little different and I especially love the second line of the bridge. Ignore the talking at the beginning and just hold on... the music is coming. For your perusal, I give you... Paradise Lost:

Everybody wants a piece of paradise
A house up on the hill with a view of heaven
Now everyone's here so close together
Paradise is lost and gone forever

When we were young we used to walk out in those fields
And run forever in the backyard woods
Now the old trails disappear in neighborhoods
With streets named after what's gone for good

The hills above town used to be the best place
For starry eyed lovers and inspration
Now it's all paved
Every street's a dead end
And empty summer houses stand all along them


Now there's no trespassing
There's no going back again
I only hope you remember
The way it was, what we had back then


Everybody wants a piece of paradise
A house up on the hill with a view of heaven

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