Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I Almost Cried At The Gym...

From happiness though. Apparently there's a new study that indicates "The highest levels of chocolate consumption were associated with a 37% reduction in cardiovascular disease (relative risk 0.63 (95% confidence interval 0.44 to 0.90)) and a 29% reduction in stroke compared with the lowest levels." I needed that, chocolate scientists. Of course they advise moderation but still it was a great way to start a Tuesday. Here's a news article with more info. Let us all raise our chocolate bars in a celebratory cheer, "To health!"

* This website and any information on it or any links to other websites provided by this website are not intended for medical advice. Don't sue me. I just like chocolate.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

1300 Things: Week 5

Missed a week so we'll pick up here. Instead of blogging and stuff I helped Mia get over a very violent 24 hour flu. Which thankfully Jason and I did not seem to get so there's number one:
101. Jason and I did not get the flu this week.
102. Yesterday. After rain and cloudiness off and on the past few days, it was 70*F and windy, blue sky with fluffy white clouds. Instead of doing chores or errands Mia and I went to the park and rode the train, played on the equipment, ate our lunch and had a few bites of overpriced ice cream. It was amazing.
103. My new-found pizza crust recipe (it's thin and maybe needs a little tweaking but I think I have a winner: http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/001199.html
104. This song by Jem:

I often find I'm behind the times in discovering artists. I don't know why but better late than never. I really like it.
105. The word "ramekins". Say it a few times. Say it as if it's the answer to the evil plans you have for world domination. Following up with maniacal laughter won't hurt. You'll get what I mean.
106. French onion soup. You see, that goes very well with ramekins.
107. This cool metal jewelry tree
from tenthousandvillages.com, a fair trade importing company.
108. This is a (semi) deep one that I've been thinking about for the last few weeks. Ever since I turned thirty-one (not thirty, that didn't really make the difference), I find almost everything is easier. Standing up for myself, picking blueberries, cooking, peeling apples, I don't know, you name it, it's easier then it's ever been. Not that I've arrived, I just feel like I've been doing this thing called life long enough to maybe not give a crap anymore? The struggle of life seems less. I care less about what people think, and just in general feel more comfortable in my own skin. I like myself more than I did in my twenties. So for all of you out there behind me and not sure you are wanting to head this way, trust me it's freaking awesome! For those of you older than me, so does it keep getting better or does it hit the fan at a certain point?
109. Anderson Cooper finally lost it! You can watch him laugh himself silly here.
110. I am grateful the US is taking a stand in regards to the crisis in Syria this week. You can read about it here. Our President has called for Syria's President Assad to leave office as well as instituting serious sanctions. Yeah that's right I'm happy about something our government is doing. Amazing isn't it?
111. This informative website regarding slave-free chocolate.
112. This amazing recipe for vegan lemon scones with vegan clotted cream. I made these and I am not vegan but if that's what vegans get to eat then I am a jealous omnivore.
113. Baby Can I Hold You by Tracy Chapman:

114. My personal "Find the best tiramisu in town" challenge. Several different tests must be made at each location to ascertain, scientifically, the superior product. Results will be forthcoming at a much later date. (This study could take several years.) Last night's was from Gamberdella's Pasta Bella and was perfectly creamy with a dense but not dry cake.
115. Mia's current pretend name: Lollipop
116. The fact that she spends about 20% of her day pretending to be a lion and roaring. Although it can get annoying (think Lion King fight scene on endless loop), I know I will miss it when she grows up.
117. My friend and constant companion, the hot pink Nalgene water bottle.
118. Tillamook sharp cheddar.
119. Excercise TV.
120. Fall is around the corner, one of my favorite seasons in Fairbanks. I love how everything smells and it's very comfortable and reassuring.
121. My new cookbooks by Heidi Swanson.
122. I am grateful that chocolate cures me of headaches. (Ibuprofen just isn't as fun.)
123. I am grateful for this website; it inspires me and I can spend hours looking at it!
124. Supportive places on the interwebs for people with IBD, like this.
125. Getting to see family, hi Josh it's nice to have you in my living room right now!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

1300 Things: Week 4

A continuation of things I am very grateful for:

75. Snoqualmie Falls Lodge Pancake and Waffle mix
76. This song sung by The Frames
77. Ripe chokecherries, I think they are shiny.. (oooo, shiny!!!)
78. Southwest Sandwiches
79. My shamrock plant, thank you for still being alive. I know it's been a hard life and I appreciate all you've had to go through to hang in there. Keep on keeping on.
80. This song by The Civil Wars
81. The free piano I inherited. SCORE!
82. Gustav Klimt

83. Walking barefoot on cold ground.
84. Sharp hair scissors.
85. Funnel cake
86. Thai iced tea
87. Smoked salmon. Add cream cheese, a cracker, and you have dinner!
88. The look of joy on Mia's face when we took her on the Dragon Swing ride at the fair today.
89. How big she looked riding a horse all by herself today.
90. That my husband, after working 60 hours or so this week, wanted to take us all to the fair as soon as he got off for the weekend.
91. That Mia uses kitchen utensils as microphones just like I did when I was a little girl.
91. Pointillism
92. Dry mustard
93. This book, well loved in childhood, I was able to get a copy of it last year.
94. The smell of Country Kitchen.
95. The fact that I was able to keep Bando from eating the dead bird he found in our yard tonight. As gross as that was, it would have been ten times worse had he eaten it.
96. This awesome book about gnomes.
97. The discovery of pretzels dipped in spicy mustard, umm yes please!
98. The endless possibilities when bananas get too ripe.
99. Creamer's Field
100. One day of really nice weather after *someone* (weatherperson) said there was a frost advisory... as far as I know it didn't happen! Take that, evil winter!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Poison & Wine

Ok, can't get enough of this song and it's by the duo The Civil Wars, two friends who harmonize amazingly. It's another folk group; I'm kind of in a folksy sort of mood. The music video is fairly simple but it's just a great, great song and would be awesome used for a dance routine. In fact, now I am wondering if I've seen it used in a dance routine... nevermind, here's the song:

I hope you love it as much as I do. It is awesome!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Paradise Lost

I recently discovered the musical group Storyhill; I was listening to Prairie Home Companion the other day and they tacked on the song Paradise Lost. I went home and tried to find the song, even called KUAC, Laurie called me back and then I found it online finally mid-week. Now that I know what song it is I have played it one billion times. I am not normally into country music but I would say this falls vaguely under the folk category. Two male voices harmonizing with acoustic guitars stood out as a little different and I especially love the second line of the bridge. Ignore the talking at the beginning and just hold on... the music is coming. For your perusal, I give you... Paradise Lost:

Everybody wants a piece of paradise
A house up on the hill with a view of heaven
Now everyone's here so close together
Paradise is lost and gone forever

When we were young we used to walk out in those fields
And run forever in the backyard woods
Now the old trails disappear in neighborhoods
With streets named after what's gone for good

The hills above town used to be the best place
For starry eyed lovers and inspration
Now it's all paved
Every street's a dead end
And empty summer houses stand all along them


Now there's no trespassing
There's no going back again
I only hope you remember
The way it was, what we had back then


Everybody wants a piece of paradise
A house up on the hill with a view of heaven